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About us and apitherapy inhalations

Ensure benefits for your health

Apitherapy inhalation takes place in an inhalation cabin made of natural materials. The cabin holds the golden mark of the Croatian Apitherapy Society, which guarantees the quality of service and optimal apitherapy effect.

After 4 to 6 treatments, reactions are possible in the form of apparent deterioration of health, such as increased coughing or a runny nose. That is a good sign, because the respiratory system is starting to be cleansed.

When inhaling, it is advisable to dedicate a few minutes to breathe properly, i.e. to breathe using abdominal or diaphragmatic breathing, which is characterized by deep breathing from the belly, as opposed to shallow breathing from the chest. That way the diaphragm is used, the lungs expand more and more air enters the lungs, which means more oxygen for the brain and other organs. Diaphragmatic breathing is the basis of breathing because it helps to fully use the lung capacity, slows down the breath in a natural way and promotes relaxation. During abdominal breathing, the air reaches the lower part of the lungs, which contributes to a better apitherapy effect. People with an increased concentration of iron in the blood are not advised to use apitherapy inhalation, as well as people suffering from epilepsy, ulcers, candida septicemia and claustrophobia.